(I've decided to take Brene Brown up on her call for TGIF Fridays. If you're not aware of this weekly gratitude practice check it out here ~ you know I'm a superfan, right?)
I trust that everything is going to be ok. This world, the universe, God has my back. I was privilege to being in the middle of a conversation with my, now 3, children about the environment and global changes. I didn't realize how overwhelming this problem is for our young people. The problems are so vast and complex, and it touches every corner of our world. For the first time I felt their disillusionment and lack of control over their future. I certainly wasn't a voice of wisdom, but I did try to remind them to take a step back. Ask themselves what they're willing to change or do to be part of the solution. How can they act on what they know is important? Time is a factor, yes. But I trust that everything we need is already here. The answers are within us. We just harness our creative power and find them. I trust in that.
Following up on that conversation, it reminded me just how grateful I am to be part of such a heavy conversation with these young minds. That I could hold my own! They hold so much knowledge and they challenge me and my views. They make me smarter, and me right back at them! I'm grateful for their perspective because it lets me see things differently. I love that.
Lately, I'm in love with anything that Richard Wagamese has written. His book, Ironhorse, had me transfixed, and should be read by every Canadian. You can't read it and not be changed. His work opened my eyes, my heart, my soul to the history of our Canadian Indigenous people. I now see our Canadian culture, where we came from, where we're going in a new light. I'm inspired to be different. What a blessing.
Live out loud sisters!! Everyday has moments of fun for me, but soon I will be with my sister wives on a summer houseboat trip. I wasn't able to join for the whole week so two days, following the sun is a perfect restoration project. Oh em gee! Almost here! xo